Sunday, May 31, 2009


Elsa MaryAnn
Born 30 May 09 at 12:08 am (Local Time in England)
9 pounds 10 oz      21 inches long

I will write more later, but everyone keeps hasseling us for photos (especially the proud new grandparents)

First family photo--at this point I had been up for 26 hours...look a little punch drunk :)

She didn't really care too much for her first bath, but was nice and content when it was all done

of course, we can't stop staring at her!!  We think she is so beautiful and it is amazing to think about how she was growing inside of me for the past 40 weeks.

What seemed like the next day, but just later the day she was born...some of my friends from work stopped by to meet Elsa.

Day 2...Elsa was excited to get out of the hospital gear and get into some pink attire!

In her going home outfit...Yeah! Even though we had a great experience at the hospital, I was so excited to be able to sleep in my own bed (speaking of which...)

Yeah!!  We are finally home!!


Life with the Schwimmers said...

Congrats! Wow! Elsa sure fits into her clothes quite nicely already what a sweet pumpkin! I am so happy for you! All our love,
Auntie Ta Uncle Steve and cousins

Amy Drag said...

She is super cute! You just want to give her lots of kisses. Enjoy yourself and try to sneak in some sleep every once and a while!!