Friday, April 24, 2009

Dominating Dublin St. Patty's Style

I thought I would post a few photos of some friends that came to visit us here in England during St. Patrick's Day.  Jeff and Brendon flew into London and we spent the first day in Cambridge hitting a few pubs with the wife and her friend, Jess.  

After spending the day in England, we thought it would be wise to get the hell out of this country and go directly to Dublin, Ireland for St. Patty's Day.  Upon arrival, we went directly to the Jameson Distillery for a tour and some free hooch!

After this tour, we hit the streets of Dublin for a little "Irish Fun", which is basically drinking at every bar in site.  From what I could see, this is basically the only fun to be had in Dublin, but thats just my opinion.  Here are some of the scenes from Dublin during the St. Patrick's Day celebration:

One of the highlights of the Dublin tour was hitting the Guiness Brewery for some live band music and free beer...for about 2 hours!  A steal considering every pint of Guiness was about $8.

Well, that about wraps up the St. Patrick's Day Celebration!  Courtney is going to publish photos of our Paris trip next.  Take care!

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