Sunday, January 18, 2009

We are still here....

Sorry I have not posted in ages...I don't know where the last two months have gone! Things have been extremely busy here since coming back after being in MN for Christmas and now I am busy cramming for boards. I have been so out of touch with many of you and I sincerely apologize! I will be so glad when this test is done!!!! I feel like I have been in such a funk lately since I always seem to be thinking of the test (although I am starting to feel a little better about it), haven't been working out like I used to, have gotten away from my read-the-Bible-in-a-year-plan...everything is on hold for this test. But, the end is in sight. I take the test on Feb 15th! I fly to Bethesda on the 1st for a 2 week Navy board review course where I will be able to cram some more with my residency partners, then to Dallas.

I have a huge To-Do list to tackle when I get back...mainly, to start preparing for the Baby. I have put everything on hold to help me concentrate on the Boards. Although, its fun to look through some of the gifts we have received so far and to sit up in the nursery (currently a storage room).

In other news, we find out the gender of our baby on the 22nd! We are so excited. Not just to find out the gender, but to make sure he/she is developing appropriately. Here are some photos of "the bump" This first one was at 20 weeks...after a long day of work and studying (sans makeup)

Here is one today after Church. I am almost 22 weeks along and it seems to be going by much more quickly!

And, I promise, on the 22nd, we will post what we are having. The majority of you think it is going to be a boy. A few weeks ago, I had a dream it was a boy. But, then, the other night, I had one that it was a girl.... So, there goes that theory! And, no, there is only one in there :)


The Henkels' said...

OHHHH, I love the belly! You look great...excited to see the baby in July. I am guessing a girl, as is Jackson. We love you

Anonymous said...

So cute! I can't wait to find out what you are having!

Good luck on your will do awesome mommy!

Love ya.