And, here are two of her face, one front on, the other is a profile shot.

I know I did not initially want to find out the gender, but I am so happy we did. It is fun to refer to "her" rather than "it".
Only three more weeks until my test!!!! I am so excited for it to be done! Aaron will be flying to MN for the three weeks I will be at a board review course in Washington/board exam in Dallas. Then, we can come home to some more craziness.....we might be moving. We love our current house, but have recently been told we will be offered a house in the brand new base housing units! We went and looked at our friends' home on base and loved it! We would have a three bedroom home with tons of closets/cabinet storage, all utilities paid for, american outlets (we currently have to plug all of our appliances into transformers that use insane amounts of energy), we can actually have a warm home (our 300 year old house was so cold this winter despite an insanely high gas bill), close to parks....since we will be gone to the States, we had to give our friend Jess power of attorney to accept an offer when it comes around. Oh, and the big reason is the military will move us for free on base. When we moved into this house, we had to do it on our own (not so much fun). Our landlord had wanted to sell this house, so we are worried that if we extend here for a year or when our lease will come up, she won't give us the option of renewal and we will have to move on our own again....no thanks...especially with a newborn. We will keep you posted.
She is beautiful...I can't wait to tickle her little feet. Jackson was right...it's a girl! Love you three
We just got back from our cruise--had to check this out! Awesome pictures of the little one!! We are so happy for the three of you!! Looking forward to having another girl in the family! Love you guys
Mom & Dad
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