Our trip to MN was fun. I still am awaiting board results...I think in about three more weeks, I should hear if I passed or not.
It was fun to catch up with family and friends, see my niece and nephews, and freeze my ass off (It was a bit of a shock to my TX body to be exposed to 45 below zero windchills!!!).
Here are some pics from home. Here is a pic of the girls night out after my boards.
One of Aaron and I--men were allowed only in the beginning of the evening!
Then, some of my in-laws (me, Jess, Peggy, Andi)
And, some of my ice fishing adventure. I caught 8-10 croppies, but wouldn't touch the fish or bait. Everyone was getting a kick out of the fact that I am a surgeon but was afraid to touch the fish. Um Daaa! I operate with gloves on. Give me a glove and I will gladly touch the fish. Geez!
I was able to spend an evening with my aunt Nancy and Uncle Dave and god-daughter Claire (who was very entertaining in her imitation of Taylor Swift)
Then, we headed to Sioux Falls to see Aaron's cousins, a friend from dental school, and our friends Mark and Melanie, who we met during our tour in Colorado, drove up from Omaha for the night.
Here is a pic of my good friend Laura from dental school and her son Tanner. She is a pediatric dentist in Sioux Falls.
Here is one of Melanie and I
And, one of our last nights in Minneapolis at a bar in Waconia. Aaron was our sober cab--Thanks hun!
Then, I flew back and Aaron vacationed a few more weeks.
I kept busy with my girlfriends. My friend Jess stayed over a few nights and kept me company. It was just like back in college, living with the girls!
Two weekends ago, I went with the swim team to the European Championships where our swimmers finished 2nd--quite a feat since we are one of the smaller teams. One of the kids I coach a lot took first in all six of his events and broke two records. I was so proud of him. He is also the one that I posted about earlier who said "Coach Courtney, I wish I was a bit older so I could be your boyfriend".
They even had a coaches relay at the end. I had to swim in front of 2000 people!!! I found out about 5 days before and wished I would have gone to a tanning bed before! The kids got a kick out of it and we finished third. It was interesting chaperoning 25 kids...some of them teenage girls who were going gaga for some of the boy swimmers from other teams...It was very entertaining.
Last weekend, we went out in Cambridge for Sushi to say good bye to our friend, Neil, who is getting deployed.
Here is a photo of some of the girlfriends I have made over here. All are general dentists in the clinic on base. Amy, Jess, Heather (who just got engaged), and me.
Okay, I was trying to load more photos, but the circa 1980 technology here in Britain....It is taking way too long and
well, we leave for the airport in 6 hours and I still have to pack.
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