Saturday, November 24, 2007

< 5%

Well, we found out Wednesday that we lost the baby. I was at 12 weeks. I had my routine 12 week prenatal appointment and they were unable to detect the heart beat with doppler and they did an ultrasound where it was confirmed. Obviously, not the news we wanted to hear since it took us one year to get to this point. But, we are finding great comfort in our Faith in God's plan and each other. It's kind of ironic that it happened the day before Thanksgiving. However, I have never been more grateful for everything that God has blessed me with. Despite my saddness, I can't help but smile at how incredible my life is. I am married to the most incredible and supportive husband, have the most wonderful family and friends, am healthy, and love my job as an oral surgeon.
So, what now. I am currently sitting at home while my sisters, brother-in-law, Aaron, and godson (Noah) are in London. My OB wanted me to stay "local" in case I would have a fulminant miscarriage. The baby is quite comfortable hanging out for now. When we had our appointment on Wed I was given three options. He said normally he would schedule a patient for a D&C because of how much "tissue" was present. However, since I am in the medical field, he felt comfortable giving me some options since I would know how to handle situations if I encountered problems at home. If you have a light stomach, stop reading :)
Option #1-- Let my body naturally miscarry. He described it as "mild" labor with cramping and potentially a lot of bleeding. When he told me that the baby is about 2 1/2 inches long, I immediately decided I did not want that option since I did not want the emotional trauma of seeing it. Option #2 was to implant a medication in my cervix that would cause option #1 to happen faster. they would do an Ultrasound in 48 hours to see if there was any tissue left and if there was, would implant more medication. If another 48 hours passed and there was still tissue left, I would need a D&C (needed in about 15%). Option #3 is a D&C. I have opted for this option and it is scheduled for next Friday. He wanted me to get it earlier, but the OR schedule is overflowing because of the holiday.
So, I have been studying for boards, with my mind frequently wandering.....
My OB is awesome. He said that given the problems early in the pregnancy, it was almost certainly genetic. It did not have the complete genetic profile to sustain life. I know of a family that recently lost a baby to trisomy -18 (Edward's syndrome). She found out at 20 weeks and delivered the baby just to have her die at 5 days old. So, I am grateful that God's will occurred when it did rather than other options.....
And, he reassured me that this miscarriage does not put me at greater risk for a subsequent miscarriage. But, he did say that I inevitably will be extremely anxious with the next one. After the D&C he said we have to wait a couple of months to start trying....guess I will be able to have some celebratory cocktails after my board exam!!!!
On to more cheerful news..... Aaron and I are coming home in January. I am coming home on the 22nd to take my exam on the 25th ( a 7 hour / 350 question computer exam--yuck!). Aaron will most likely be coming home the week before (I figured I will be mega stressed and really bitchy....might has well get him out of the house early :) ). We will both be staying until Feb 3rd or so. We hope to see everyone.
Oh, and Aaron got a job!!!! He will be working at the post office on base. It is described as a seasonal job, but it looks like if funding goes through, will be a permanent position. So, if you mail us items and it takes longer or gets know who to blame :)

Well, my books are calling my name.....

1 comment:

Leiferman said...

Aaron and Courtney,
We were sorry to read your last update. Hope you are doing well and planning your trip back to the US. Take care and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.