Sunday, September 16, 2007


This is one of my favorite new British phrases, along with "smashing". Everytime you would use "good" substitute "brilliant" or "smashing". It is quite humorous at times.
Anyways, prepare for a long blog. I have a bunch of random thoughts this brilliant Sunday morning.
First of all, I can not believe how many people read this! I put the "ticker" on my blog five days ago and was amazed when I signed in this morning that 85 people have viewed it. But, I have to say, a bit disappointed that more of y'all are not leaving Comments! Better yet, maybe you should start a blog! My sister Taunya started hers. There is a whole blogger world out there! It is quite addicting. I will check a friend who will have a link to their friends who will have a link to their thing you know...i am reading about this cute couple who went on clomid and now have quads! Check it out...these poor two! (cannot quite figure out how to make a link....)
I have been tagged by a friend to post "100 things about me" I really do not think I can come up with that many, but will start working on it, so be prepared to be thoroughly bored! But, you never know it could be a smashing time!

I have been feeling the pressures from the parents to post pics of the inside of our house. I must say, it is quite difficult with the british rooms being half of the size of american rooms. I could not take one of our bedroom because the flash reflects in the mirrored doors of our closet. Plus, some things just need to remain private :)
Here is our kitchen. Yes, that is a washing machine! And, what you see is all there is! No cabinet space! So, lots of "clutter" on the counters and above the cabinets.

Then, off of the kitchen, is our dining room. This is also my study room as both the doors from the kitchen and to the family room can be shut.

And, here is our living room (2 views). We went and bought a sofa and recliner on base. They are so much better than our old sofas that I still had from college!

Brittany is getting settled. She has already filled out an application to work at the Child Development Center (on base daycare/preschool). Hopefully she will get it. I think she is getting anxious to start working! We went into Cambridge yesterday and had sushi. Here is a pic of her and her brother-in-law at a pub.

And, her is Brittany and I overlooking the river cam. It was a beautiful day.

I am really excited! Our first trip is going to be Nice, France (southern coast) and Italy (along the Mediterranean coast). We are going to be gone 6 days the first part of Oct. The best thing...our flights were only $100!! We are very excited to start traveling! This will probably be our only big trip until I take my boards in January. So, we wanted to do something really fun!

So, earlier this week, I wanted to publish a post with regards to 9-11 (which before I forget...Happy Anniversary to our friends Dave and Betsy....whose anniversary falls on 9-11) It was so sad to see how raw emotions still are after all this time. I remember I went to Northwest Athletic Club that morning and hopped on the treadmill. The first tower had been struck and my initial thought was "That Sucks, someone flew their plane into a building", but, not thinking much of it, continued running. Until that next plane hit. It was amazing no one flew off their treadmills because there was an instant stop! I immediately ran home where Aaron and I watched everything unfold for the rest of the morning. I had a late clinic on Tuesdays so I went to campus at about Noon on the bus and we were informed that all classes were canceled. I was glued to the television the rest of the day...crying to stories about loved ones leaving voicemail messages during the attacks and not surviving; pregnant women who never had the opportunity to tell their husbands they were pregnant; and, stories that came out after the fact regarding an airline ticket agent who let the terrorists on the plane even though he had a bad feeling about it....
That brings me to my next thought.... It really frustrates me when people do not support this war. Have we all forgotten? During my residency, I treated several soldiers injured in Iraq. And, they ALL wanted to get back to finish fighting the war. They ALL thought it was a war worth fighting! I can not imagine how difficult it would be to be on the front line. And, to be on the front line when many people oppose the war (but, yet they claim to support the military...seems a bit contradictory).
I am so proud of being in the military and working on all of the members of our armed forces who allow us all of the freedoms we have. If they believe the war is worth fighting, because of all they are seeing over there....Shouldn't we?
President Bush has been given a lot of heat lately regarding his Iraq tactics, that he has not given us evidence why the war is justified. My response is...I do not want to know everything. When I elected him, I trusted that he would do whatever in his power to protect my family, friends, country..... And, I trust that he has the information to justify the war. Maybe it is not in the best interest of national security to disclose. Maybe I chose to be more open minded about war since I am in the military...
Okay, I am done. Thanks for hanging in there during this long post!


Anonymous said...

THANKS for the photos!! Great to see your place, things you have done, etc! I agree about the war...I am 100% behind you just so you know! Tom, Noah and I are still trying to figure out when to come visit. Let me know what works best...we of course want to spend as much time with the 3 of you (even if 1 at a time) as possible. We can't travel in Dec or Jan since Tom's practice is the busiest then...and then I can't travel in my last trimester either--o that pretty much leaves us to November!! Or we can wait until after the baby, and bring the whole darn family! We can do another trip next year anyways, but just need to know about November so we can keep our eyes on tickets. We applied for Noah's passport and renewed mine--since I still had my maiden name on it! OK...enough babbling. I need to get to work but wanted to post something and ENCOURAGE everyone else to do so as well!

Life with the Schwimmers said...

Hey! I am so glad you took pictures! Take more!! I am updating my blog now I feel guilty you are much better at it than I am. Of course we are behind you 110% and we must finish this war and it would be an absolute slap in the face to each individual who has fought this battle and to the families who have lost loved ones. WE SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY! (Hear that Aaron?) I am glad everyone is settling in and finding their niche. Have a "smashing" time in France. Take care. Love Ta

Life with the Schwimmers said...

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Sari is making a report on you and Aaron living in England. (5 paragraph report that is remember it's 5th grade:) Isn't it nice to know you are famous now! Ta

Leiferman said...

Thanks for the photos - looks like you are settled in and enjoying your new life. I enjoy reading your site and felt guilty after I read you were not getting much feedback so I signed up ~ hope it works. Lee and I went golfing yesterday so hopefully we still have a few weeks left to do more. Hunting season will be here before we know it. Take care and enjoy your trip~we leave for Vegas on Monday for a few days. Cathy and Lee