Saturday, September 29, 2007

100 things about me

I was tagged by a friend of mine to post a list of 100 things about me. Taunya, you are now tagged :)
We leave tomorrow for France/Italy, so check back next weekend for pics and a blog update.
Until then, enjoy....
1. I met my husband at a bar in college.
2. We have been married for over 5 years
3. I never graduated from college, but have a graduate degree. I was accepted via an early admission program to the University of MN School of Dentistry.
4. I love being blonde.
5. I have never had the same hair style for more than 4-6 months.
6. My favorite outfit: banana republic t-shirt, jeans, flip flops
7. My adventure goal: Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
8. I am a huge nerd: I love studying and learning. Maybe why I went to school for an additional 12 years after high school.
9. I am a product junky. I have many partially used bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner. I get impatient to use them before the current one is empty.
10. I love antiques. Lots of antique stores and auctions in England.
11. I love making lists! Which is maybe why I am trying to create 100 things about me.
12. I moved over 10 times while I was in college and in dental school.
13. I love looking at pictures.
14. I love looking at Christmas card pictures and decorating the fridge.
15. I am a terrible singer.
16. But, that does not stop me from singing in the car (when I am by myself)
17. I get a massage at least once a month.
18. I love the spa…facials, body wraps, pedis, manis…you name it.
19. I do not keep in touch with anyone from High school. My longest friends are Nicole and Dawn (met my first year in college and we swam together)
20. I used to stop at starbucks 5-6 times a week.
21. My favorite drink: Cinnamon Dolce Latte (non-fat, sugar free)
22. I have a huge sweet tooth!
23. I love cooking and baking. A new hobby of mine since finishing residency.
24. I am addicted to get my celebrity gossip!
25. The next AF base I want to be stationed at: Japan
26. I was asked out on a date by one of the Baldwin brothers
27. I turned him down because I was dating Aaron
28. I pray regularly before going to bed
29. I am a morning person.
30. I love wine. Thank you Rachel for the tours in Napa and Sonoma.
31. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
32. I hate valentines day.
33. I love decorating.
34. I have only read one non-medical book in the past 9 years. But, have recently joined a book club to change that.
35. I am afraid of heights.
36. I want to get married again….to the same guy, but I just loved our wedding.
37. I love weddings in general.
38. I love watching college football.
39. Which is probably why fall is my favorite season.
40. But, we do not get much college football over here in England.
41. I try to be as environmentally conscious as I can.
42. I buy as much organic foods as I can (our base grocery store has a fairly limited supply).
43. I make a lot of my own cleaning chemicals.
44. I quit drinking caffeine cold turkey last week.
45. Aside from a killer headache the first day….doing okay
46. I can not go anywhere without my Nalgene water bottle. I fill it up 2-3 times a day.
47. I perform major operations (in residency even did an open heart bypass) and have not problem tolerating the site of blood. But, as soon as I smell/see vomit or crap….dry heaving.
48. I should be studying for my boards right now…..
49. I enjoy working out.
50. I swim or run 4-5 times a week.
51. Aaron has some competition….this cute little 7 year old on the swim club I coach said “ Coach Courtney, I wish I was older so I could be your boyfriend” My reply…”I think you would be too cool for me”
52. How come the first person to hit on me in what seems like ages is a 7 year old in a speedo?
53. I think residency aged me too much!!!
54. I love exploring the English country side. All of the local villages are so quaint!
55. I am enjoying our “simple” living over here despite missing a lot of the conveniences of home.
56. I am only on #56 and running out of things to say….see I told you I was boring
57. I consider myself a fairly religious person. We go to mass at least 2 times a month and are trying to get better about that.
58. I consider myself a loyal friend. Anything told to me confidentially stays that way.
59. i love playing trivia. But, my husband hates board games, so have not played it in a long time!
60. Favorite household chore: laundry
61. Least favorite: window washing
62. The house we are renting has some real wood floors. I love wood floors—the real kind; not the pergo, fake kind.
63. I wish I could buy an older house with all of the character (and wood floors)
64. But, Aaron and I have no clue about home repair so, if something went wrong…..
65. We decided to eventually build a new house, but spend way to much money to make it look old
66. But, seeing that I have anywhere from 4-15 years left in the military, that may be a while.
67. I love subscribing to or purchasing magazines. Favorites: Southern Living, Real Simple, Organic Living, People, US weekly, Runners world
68. I love what I do for a job! Although I am not quite ready to say the last four years of insanity (AKA residency) was worth it, but getting there.
69. I miss our dog, Aspen. But, thankfully she is doing well with her new family!
70. Aaron and I collect travel books. Every place we visit, we buy a book on the location.
71. I love my husband’s laugh.
72. And, how he can be watching TV all by himself and start laughing so hard that he can hardly breathe.
73. Love ya, Babe!
74. I love to decorate
75. Especially for the holidays!
76. I love to have my toe nails painted. Can’t stand the look of naked toe nails.
77. I hate wearing shorts.
78. I love wearing skirts and jeans.
79. I grew up wishing that I was tan.
80. But, now I enjoy being a “whittie”
81. I use a facial moisturizer with 15 SPF every day!
82. I look forward to being a mom.
83. I hope I can be as good of one as my mom was to me.
84. I wish I could raise my kids in a time similar to when I grew up or my parents grew up.
85. It scares me to think about the world our kids will grow up in.
86. My parents never missed a sporting/school event that we were involved in.
87. It kills my mother to keep secrets ☺ (okay, that one is not about me)
88. Favorite snack: Celery and peanut butter
89. Favorite indulgence: Truffles from a little candy store in a nearby village
90. I think it is fun driving on the “wrong” side of the road….and, am finally used to it.
91. Dream car: BMW 700 series
92. I am terrible at reading maps, which is why I usually drive and Aaron navigates….we make a great pair.
93. I am addicted to reading peoples blogs.
94. Y’all need to start one…Really easy. Go to
95. I am blessed with awesome friends that I wish I could see more ☺
96. I have the best in-laws in the world.
97. I am super close to my family and talk with them a few times a week.
98. Even though technology is great, I still have a paper planner and address book
99. I can not study from textbooks on-line. I have to highlight in my books.
100. Yeah!!!! I made it to 100!!!! (hopefully I did not repeat any or misspell any words)


The Henkels' said...

Very interesting to read...I hate wearing shorts too!! Probably why Toby has never seen me in a pair besides running ones. Anyways, have a great trip this weekend and we will talk to you for sure when you return since I will be giving birth to your niece this week!!!
Love you and miss you both

Life with the Schwimmers said...

Hey Courtney!
100 things to know about me??!! Yikes!
This could take some time
Have a wonderful holiday, you're on "holiday"...right? Cant wait to see pix.. Sari says Hello! Taunya

Anonymous said...

Good idea!! I am going to "tag" people to do it too! Hope you are having fun! Noah can't wait to come visit in November...neither can Tom and I! Looking forward to the vacation! Hopefully Brittany is finalizing our itinerary! :) Love ya lots! Lindsay is in labor right now!