Well, we made it safely to England without too much problem. The woman I am replacing picked us up at the airport and gave us the grand tour of the base. It is rather nice. We checked into lodging and wanted to go to sleep, but my commander and his wife stopped by after work (Aaron had been awake for 36 hours at that point...I was fortunate enough to have slept on the plane). They have given us the red carpet welcome...my commander also had Aaron and I over for dinner the next night. It has been a wirlwind past couple of days...we both passed our drivers test, will try to find a house to rent this weekend, and are learning how much England is a foreign country...the English language is the only thing we share! the English slang is quite different. For example....a "faggot" is a meatball sandwich. Kind of a shock when we get asked if we like juicy faggots! The surgeon I will be working with, Brad, is really nice. We sat down with him for a while this afternoon and he has volunteered to take us around to different villages this weekend. It will definitely be more alaid back than residency!!
Well, for now, email is the best way to contact us. When we get a home and a cell phone (hopefully tomorrow), we will forward the number to anyone interested.
Thanks for all of the emails!!
1 comment:
Hey Guys!Glad to see your post. So how are you liking England as of today? Post pix when you have time or send Aaron out on a mission of photography so all of us can see your life back home. Take care ! Taunya
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