Sunday, June 17, 2007

Graduation Dinner

Last night was the graduation dinner at Paesanos. It was a bittersweet dinner since it marks my transition from resident to oral surgeon.
Here is a picture of me with George and Brendan at Paesanos

We tried to get a group photo, but multiple people were taking a picture at once so it was hard to get one with everyone looking at the camera.
After the dinner we went to a bar...where I had a few too many martinis. Here is a photo of some of the women I became friends with during our four years in San Antonio. Shannon (on the far right) was in the residency with me and the others are wives of residents.

The official graduation is on Thursday at 5pm...and, because I happen to be the last graduate to walk across the stage, I have to salute the General! But, it will be a fun celebration and will be nice to see most of my family, Peggy, my cousin Rachel, and our friend Maria.

Well, we are moving onto base housing tonight and I have a ton of stuff to organize before the movers come for our final stuff tomorrow morning. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks.

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