Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! As I am writing this, most of you are still sleeping.
Aaron and I attended Christmas eve service on base. It was really cute. They had the children's choir singing and we were impressed with how good they were! Then, this morning we woke up, unwrapped a few gifts and we are watching a classic Christmas cartoon marathon (Rudolph, little drummer boy, the grinch, frosty the snowman). I love the old-school cartoons! We also observed the Anderson family tradition of watching National Lampoon's Christmas vacation last night.
I am making a "thanksgiving" meal for Christmas. We made turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc when Hilary's family was here. But all the left overs mysteriously disappeared! We love you TOM! So, since Aaron did not get any left overs due to a certain person's midnight cravings....He wanted me to make it again for Christmas. I think we are having a few of our friends over as well.
We really wish we were home for Christmas, but will see most of you when we are home in about 4 weeks.
And, to the Nedved clan in SD...we are going to drive to Sioux Falls one of the days to see as many of you as we can. Let us know which dates work (Jan 28-Feb 2).

Now, I can not believe I am going to give Hillary Clinton any space on this blog, but in my Women's Health magazine, I came across this.....

Is that not the funniest nutcracker you have seen. It is only 24.95 from hillarynutcracker.com/completelynuts.html. In about 4-6 weeks we will be a proud owner! She is a real ball buster! I really hope she does not become president......

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week of being a housewife

Yesterday was a strange day....Aaron woke up to go to work and I got to stay home. Aside from weekends when he was working at the golf course and I was not on call, that has never happened. We are either both working or he is at home. He started his job yesterday at the post office on base. His first day went well, but since he has to do a lot of lifting of heavy packages, he complained of a sore back. I think he just enjoys getting out of the house; and, since the days are getting so short here, golf is getting to be a bit more of a challenge. The sun does not rise until 7:30 or so and then it starts to get dark at 3:30.

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts/prayers the past two weeks. I had the D&C on friday and everything went well. It was so strange to be on the "other side" of things. I operate every monday in the OR and have my routine of filling out the preoperative paperwork, verifying correct surgical site/pt..... It was "surreal" being on the other side and having people do their routine on me. My friend Jett is an anesthesiologist at the hospital...I knew him my first year of residency....and he did my anesthesia. He hooked me up. Just prior to rolling back, my OB had to rush to a delivery. He kept dosing me with Versed. "Instant 3 Margaritas" I don't remember much after that....except Aaron laughing at my drug induced euphoria! I came home and slept the rest of the day. Some of our friends, Liz and James (both are dentists with me), brought us over soup and pasta that first night. A thoughtful gesture that we were extremely grateful for.
Emotionally I am doing well. I felt "normal" the next day, which made me relieved. I had the D&C a week after we found out we lost the baby, so we did most of our grieving in that week. Aaron and I are hopeful that we will conceive again and know that it happened for a reason. I have also found great comfort in emails I have received after people found out we miscarried saying how they miscarried....often more than once. It is something you don't hear much about until it happens to you.
Plus, I am very focused on my boards, so I think having that as a "distraction" helps. I was given a week off of work and have been using the time to study...however, the more I am studying, the more freaked out I am getting about the test! So, today I am getting a massage! (although I think Aaron is the one that needs it....)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

< 5%

Well, we found out Wednesday that we lost the baby. I was at 12 weeks. I had my routine 12 week prenatal appointment and they were unable to detect the heart beat with doppler and they did an ultrasound where it was confirmed. Obviously, not the news we wanted to hear since it took us one year to get to this point. But, we are finding great comfort in our Faith in God's plan and each other. It's kind of ironic that it happened the day before Thanksgiving. However, I have never been more grateful for everything that God has blessed me with. Despite my saddness, I can't help but smile at how incredible my life is. I am married to the most incredible and supportive husband, have the most wonderful family and friends, am healthy, and love my job as an oral surgeon.
So, what now. I am currently sitting at home while my sisters, brother-in-law, Aaron, and godson (Noah) are in London. My OB wanted me to stay "local" in case I would have a fulminant miscarriage. The baby is quite comfortable hanging out for now. When we had our appointment on Wed I was given three options. He said normally he would schedule a patient for a D&C because of how much "tissue" was present. However, since I am in the medical field, he felt comfortable giving me some options since I would know how to handle situations if I encountered problems at home. If you have a light stomach, stop reading :)
Option #1-- Let my body naturally miscarry. He described it as "mild" labor with cramping and potentially a lot of bleeding. When he told me that the baby is about 2 1/2 inches long, I immediately decided I did not want that option since I did not want the emotional trauma of seeing it. Option #2 was to implant a medication in my cervix that would cause option #1 to happen faster. they would do an Ultrasound in 48 hours to see if there was any tissue left and if there was, would implant more medication. If another 48 hours passed and there was still tissue left, I would need a D&C (needed in about 15%). Option #3 is a D&C. I have opted for this option and it is scheduled for next Friday. He wanted me to get it earlier, but the OR schedule is overflowing because of the holiday.
So, I have been studying for boards, with my mind frequently wandering.....
My OB is awesome. He said that given the problems early in the pregnancy, it was almost certainly genetic. It did not have the complete genetic profile to sustain life. I know of a family that recently lost a baby to trisomy -18 (Edward's syndrome). She found out at 20 weeks and delivered the baby just to have her die at 5 days old. So, I am grateful that God's will occurred when it did rather than other options.....
And, he reassured me that this miscarriage does not put me at greater risk for a subsequent miscarriage. But, he did say that I inevitably will be extremely anxious with the next one. After the D&C he said we have to wait a couple of months to start trying....guess I will be able to have some celebratory cocktails after my board exam!!!!
On to more cheerful news..... Aaron and I are coming home in January. I am coming home on the 22nd to take my exam on the 25th ( a 7 hour / 350 question computer exam--yuck!). Aaron will most likely be coming home the week before (I figured I will be mega stressed and really bitchy....might has well get him out of the house early :) ). We will both be staying until Feb 3rd or so. We hope to see everyone.
Oh, and Aaron got a job!!!! He will be working at the post office on base. It is described as a seasonal job, but it looks like if funding goes through, will be a permanent position. So, if you mail us items and it takes longer or gets lost....you know who to blame :)

Well, my books are calling my name.....

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

We were pretty impressed with how many trick or treaters came out last night in our village. So much that we were not prepared. We ran out of candy after about 30 minutes! Oh, well...we will be better prepared next year. Check out my cute nephews! Noah (Hilary and Tom's son) is on the left and Jackson (lindsay and Toby's son) is on the right.

I also created a link to Hilary's blog to the right. And, She just found out she is having another boy! Lindsay is hoping ours will be a girl so Lauren is not out numbered!
I am excited to be traveling back to the US next week for a one week board review course in Denver. I am flying in a day early to drive down to Colorado Springs to visit my friend Deb from dental school. She has the day off so we can hang out, go out to eat, and go shopping. Before I found out I was pregnant, I made a mental list of all of the places I wanted to eat at....Chilis, Chipotle, Las Palapas, Caribou...but, this past week have been blind sided with morning sickness and now nothing sounds good. Hopefully that will change because I have not had Chipotle in over 4 months!!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our British Bean

That's right...we are pregnant. I am currently 8 weeks along and due on Jun 7th. We saw a strong heart beat today and were told our chance of miscarriage is < 5%. I apologize to those of you who are finding out about this via the web. It is just really hard to tell everyone individually with the time difference and what not.
It has been a roller coaster of emotions for the past two weeks. Two weeks ago I had to call the OB on call due to severe cramping and spotting. He wanted to see me right away and had me stop in the lab for a blood draw on the way in. He was really concerned because my HCG levels were really high, but nothing but the yolk sac was showing up (looked similar to a 4 week pregnancy, but I was 6 weeks). Pretty much we were told that the baby did not have the genetic makeup to make it past the four weeks stage and that I was probably miscarrying. However, he wanted to see what my HCG level did in 48 hours. If I was miscarrying, it would go down; but, in a normal pregnancy, should double. So on Sunday I went in for the lab. And, it showed an increase. It did not double, so he wanted to see me in a week for another ultrasound prior to scheduling me for a D & C. Talk about a long week. Last friday I had another ultrasound, and, much to Aaron and I (and the Dr) surprise....a heart beat. He just said that I may not have as far along as we initially thought based on my last cycle. But, he was slightly concerned about a slightly lower heart rate (110 beats/minute) and wanted me to have another scan at what would have been my first OB appointment that next week. So, today I had another ultrasound and the heart rate was a healthy 160 beats/minute!! So, everything looks good. This pic is a bit squished, but it was the only pic I was given.

So, bye bye flat stomach!! I currently look as if I have been enjoying a diet of beer and pizza! And, aside from being dead tired, have been feeling great. Well, we will keep y'all posted. My parents are coming to visit from one week tomorrow and will post pics of their trip on our blog.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Well, we returned from our trip to the French/Italian Riviera last night at 1am. We had a blast and could not have asked for better weather. But, I must say, it is nice to be home. I will not be sad if I do not have a jamon/fromage (ham/cheese) baquette any time soon.
Oh, before I begin....My sister, Lindsay, had her baby on Oct 2 (while we were gone). Her name is Lauren Grace and she is adorable! Click on the link to her blog on the right.

We flew into Nice, France which is the largest city on the Coast; we stayed there for two days. It was our first time to the Mediterranean coast and it was interesting to see a rocky beach. Most people spoke English so it was not hard to get around or order food. Here is a picture of the coast line:
And, here is a picture of Brittany and I on the main street through town where all of the shopping was

I learned alot about European fashion. Skinny jeans are in (even with zippers at the ankles....80's fashion anyone) and leg warmers are making a comeback!!!
Here is Aaron and I in the Plaza (Old Towne)

Our next stop was Monte Carlo, Monoco. Monaco is the 2nd smallest country, next to the Vatican. Aaron described it as Bel Aire on steroids. Aaron got to experience his first train ride....

Two James Bond movies were filmed at the Monte Carlo Casino, we we went there as well. It was interesting to see all of the cars parked outside: two Bentleys, two ferraris, mazerati (which is my new dream car...see previous post), Lamborghini...the mercedes looked out of place.
This is Aaron and I overlooking the casino (we were not allowed to bring our cameras inside, so this is the only glimpse we have

And, us overlooking the coast

Next, we took the train to Italy and stayed in a coastal village called Monterosso.
Our hotel was situated on a bluff that overlooked the city. The map made it look like it was rather close to the train station, so we decided to walk. Well after about 4 switch backs up this steep road (hauling our luggage), a shuttle stopped by to pick us up. THANK GOD!! There were still about 8 more switch backs up this steep windy road.... Map was definitely not too scale. Here is a picture of Aaron and I overlooking the village from our hotel.

Monterosso is in an area called Cinque Terra (five towns). There are five towns on the coast and we hiked 8 miles between the villages. It was a rather strenous hike and gave us an opportunity to burn off some of the Italian Pasta we had been eating. We started in Riomaggiore and hiked to north throught Monorola, Corniglia, Vernaza (the most scenic), and ended with the most rigorous climb to Monterrosa (and jumped in the sea to cool off!!!). Here are some scenes from our hike...
From this photo, you can see Monterosso in the distance.

This is Monorola. It is amazing how these homes are built right into the cliff side.

This is looking back at Corniglia. The hike was strenous in that you would hike up through the villages, then down to the sea, then up through the olive trees and vineyards... Lots of ascending and descending, but the scenery was amazing.

This is Aaron and I on the last leg of the hike, overlooking vernaza. We bought a watercolor painting from a woman along the hike with the same scene in it.

This was our favorite part of the trip and would recommend it to anyone traveling to Italy.
After two days in Italy, we took the train to Cannes, France for our last night of vacation. Here is a funny picture of Brittany. Most of the hotels did not charge additional money for having three people (vs. two), but the hotel in Cannes did...almost $90 more. So, Brittany opted for the floor. She created a bed out of the cushions on the chairs and pillows and covered up with the bathrobes!

So, there you have it. It is so much fun to be able to travel over here. Only a two hour flight and we were in vacationing in the Med!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

100 things about me

I was tagged by a friend of mine to post a list of 100 things about me. Taunya, you are now tagged :)
We leave tomorrow for France/Italy, so check back next weekend for pics and a blog update.
Until then, enjoy....
1. I met my husband at a bar in college.
2. We have been married for over 5 years
3. I never graduated from college, but have a graduate degree. I was accepted via an early admission program to the University of MN School of Dentistry.
4. I love being blonde.
5. I have never had the same hair style for more than 4-6 months.
6. My favorite outfit: banana republic t-shirt, jeans, flip flops
7. My adventure goal: Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
8. I am a huge nerd: I love studying and learning. Maybe why I went to school for an additional 12 years after high school.
9. I am a product junky. I have many partially used bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner. I get impatient to use them before the current one is empty.
10. I love antiques. Lots of antique stores and auctions in England.
11. I love making lists! Which is maybe why I am trying to create 100 things about me.
12. I moved over 10 times while I was in college and in dental school.
13. I love looking at pictures.
14. I love looking at Christmas card pictures and decorating the fridge.
15. I am a terrible singer.
16. But, that does not stop me from singing in the car (when I am by myself)
17. I get a massage at least once a month.
18. I love the spa…facials, body wraps, pedis, manis…you name it.
19. I do not keep in touch with anyone from High school. My longest friends are Nicole and Dawn (met my first year in college and we swam together)
20. I used to stop at starbucks 5-6 times a week.
21. My favorite drink: Cinnamon Dolce Latte (non-fat, sugar free)
22. I have a huge sweet tooth!
23. I love cooking and baking. A new hobby of mine since finishing residency.
24. I am addicted to people.com-gotta get my celebrity gossip!
25. The next AF base I want to be stationed at: Japan
26. I was asked out on a date by one of the Baldwin brothers
27. I turned him down because I was dating Aaron
28. I pray regularly before going to bed
29. I am a morning person.
30. I love wine. Thank you Rachel for the tours in Napa and Sonoma.
31. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
32. I hate valentines day.
33. I love decorating.
34. I have only read one non-medical book in the past 9 years. But, have recently joined a book club to change that.
35. I am afraid of heights.
36. I want to get married again….to the same guy, but I just loved our wedding.
37. I love weddings in general.
38. I love watching college football.
39. Which is probably why fall is my favorite season.
40. But, we do not get much college football over here in England.
41. I try to be as environmentally conscious as I can.
42. I buy as much organic foods as I can (our base grocery store has a fairly limited supply).
43. I make a lot of my own cleaning chemicals.
44. I quit drinking caffeine cold turkey last week.
45. Aside from a killer headache the first day….doing okay
46. I can not go anywhere without my Nalgene water bottle. I fill it up 2-3 times a day.
47. I perform major operations (in residency even did an open heart bypass) and have not problem tolerating the site of blood. But, as soon as I smell/see vomit or crap….dry heaving.
48. I should be studying for my boards right now…..
49. I enjoy working out.
50. I swim or run 4-5 times a week.
51. Aaron has some competition….this cute little 7 year old on the swim club I coach said “ Coach Courtney, I wish I was older so I could be your boyfriend” My reply…”I think you would be too cool for me”
52. How come the first person to hit on me in what seems like ages is a 7 year old in a speedo?
53. I think residency aged me too much!!!
54. I love exploring the English country side. All of the local villages are so quaint!
55. I am enjoying our “simple” living over here despite missing a lot of the conveniences of home.
56. I am only on #56 and running out of things to say….see I told you I was boring
57. I consider myself a fairly religious person. We go to mass at least 2 times a month and are trying to get better about that.
58. I consider myself a loyal friend. Anything told to me confidentially stays that way.
59. i love playing trivia. But, my husband hates board games, so have not played it in a long time!
60. Favorite household chore: laundry
61. Least favorite: window washing
62. The house we are renting has some real wood floors. I love wood floors—the real kind; not the pergo, fake kind.
63. I wish I could buy an older house with all of the character (and wood floors)
64. But, Aaron and I have no clue about home repair so, if something went wrong…..
65. We decided to eventually build a new house, but spend way to much money to make it look old
66. But, seeing that I have anywhere from 4-15 years left in the military, that may be a while.
67. I love subscribing to or purchasing magazines. Favorites: Southern Living, Real Simple, Organic Living, People, US weekly, Runners world
68. I love what I do for a job! Although I am not quite ready to say the last four years of insanity (AKA residency) was worth it, but getting there.
69. I miss our dog, Aspen. But, thankfully she is doing well with her new family!
70. Aaron and I collect travel books. Every place we visit, we buy a book on the location.
71. I love my husband’s laugh.
72. And, how he can be watching TV all by himself and start laughing so hard that he can hardly breathe.
73. Love ya, Babe!
74. I love to decorate
75. Especially for the holidays!
76. I love to have my toe nails painted. Can’t stand the look of naked toe nails.
77. I hate wearing shorts.
78. I love wearing skirts and jeans.
79. I grew up wishing that I was tan.
80. But, now I enjoy being a “whittie”
81. I use a facial moisturizer with 15 SPF every day!
82. I look forward to being a mom.
83. I hope I can be as good of one as my mom was to me.
84. I wish I could raise my kids in a time similar to when I grew up or my parents grew up.
85. It scares me to think about the world our kids will grow up in.
86. My parents never missed a sporting/school event that we were involved in.
87. It kills my mother to keep secrets ☺ (okay, that one is not about me)
88. Favorite snack: Celery and peanut butter
89. Favorite indulgence: Truffles from a little candy store in a nearby village
90. I think it is fun driving on the “wrong” side of the road….and, am finally used to it.
91. Dream car: BMW 700 series
92. I am terrible at reading maps, which is why I usually drive and Aaron navigates….we make a great pair.
93. I am addicted to reading peoples blogs.
94. Y’all need to start one…Really easy. Go to www.blogspot.com.
95. I am blessed with awesome friends that I wish I could see more ☺
96. I have the best in-laws in the world.
97. I am super close to my family and talk with them a few times a week.
98. Even though technology is great, I still have a paper planner and address book
99. I can not study from textbooks on-line. I have to highlight in my books.
100. Yeah!!!! I made it to 100!!!! (hopefully I did not repeat any or misspell any words)

Sunday, September 16, 2007


This is one of my favorite new British phrases, along with "smashing". Everytime you would use "good" substitute "brilliant" or "smashing". It is quite humorous at times.
Anyways, prepare for a long blog. I have a bunch of random thoughts this brilliant Sunday morning.
First of all, I can not believe how many people read this! I put the "ticker" on my blog five days ago and was amazed when I signed in this morning that 85 people have viewed it. But, I have to say, a bit disappointed that more of y'all are not leaving Comments! Better yet, maybe you should start a blog! My sister Taunya started hers. There is a whole blogger world out there! It is quite addicting. I will check a friend who will have a link to their friends who will have a link to their friends....next thing you know...i am reading about this cute couple who went on clomid and now have quads! Check it out...these poor two! www.thelifeofsuz.blogspot.com (cannot quite figure out how to make a link....)
I have been tagged by a friend to post "100 things about me" I really do not think I can come up with that many, but will start working on it, so be prepared to be thoroughly bored! But, you never know it could be a smashing time!

I have been feeling the pressures from the parents to post pics of the inside of our house. I must say, it is quite difficult with the british rooms being half of the size of american rooms. I could not take one of our bedroom because the flash reflects in the mirrored doors of our closet. Plus, some things just need to remain private :)
Here is our kitchen. Yes, that is a washing machine! And, what you see is all there is! No cabinet space! So, lots of "clutter" on the counters and above the cabinets.

Then, off of the kitchen, is our dining room. This is also my study room as both the doors from the kitchen and to the family room can be shut.

And, here is our living room (2 views). We went and bought a sofa and recliner on base. They are so much better than our old sofas that I still had from college!

Brittany is getting settled. She has already filled out an application to work at the Child Development Center (on base daycare/preschool). Hopefully she will get it. I think she is getting anxious to start working! We went into Cambridge yesterday and had sushi. Here is a pic of her and her brother-in-law at a pub.

And, her is Brittany and I overlooking the river cam. It was a beautiful day.

I am really excited! Our first trip is going to be Nice, France (southern coast) and Italy (along the Mediterranean coast). We are going to be gone 6 days the first part of Oct. The best thing...our flights were only $100!! We are very excited to start traveling! This will probably be our only big trip until I take my boards in January. So, we wanted to do something really fun!

So, earlier this week, I wanted to publish a post with regards to 9-11 (which before I forget...Happy Anniversary to our friends Dave and Betsy....whose anniversary falls on 9-11) It was so sad to see how raw emotions still are after all this time. I remember I went to Northwest Athletic Club that morning and hopped on the treadmill. The first tower had been struck and my initial thought was "That Sucks, someone flew their plane into a building", but, not thinking much of it, continued running. Until that next plane hit. It was amazing no one flew off their treadmills because there was an instant stop! I immediately ran home where Aaron and I watched everything unfold for the rest of the morning. I had a late clinic on Tuesdays so I went to campus at about Noon on the bus and we were informed that all classes were canceled. I was glued to the television the rest of the day...crying to stories about loved ones leaving voicemail messages during the attacks and not surviving; pregnant women who never had the opportunity to tell their husbands they were pregnant; and, stories that came out after the fact regarding an airline ticket agent who let the terrorists on the plane even though he had a bad feeling about it....
That brings me to my next thought.... It really frustrates me when people do not support this war. Have we all forgotten? During my residency, I treated several soldiers injured in Iraq. And, they ALL wanted to get back to finish fighting the war. They ALL thought it was a war worth fighting! I can not imagine how difficult it would be to be on the front line. And, to be on the front line when many people oppose the war (but, yet they claim to support the military...seems a bit contradictory).
I am so proud of being in the military and working on all of the members of our armed forces who allow us all of the freedoms we have. If they believe the war is worth fighting, because of all they are seeing over there....Shouldn't we?
President Bush has been given a lot of heat lately regarding his Iraq tactics, that he has not given us evidence why the war is justified. My response is...I do not want to know everything. When I elected him, I trusted that he would do whatever in his power to protect my family, friends, country..... And, I trust that he has the information to justify the war. Maybe it is not in the best interest of national security to disclose. Maybe I chose to be more open minded about war since I am in the military...
Okay, I am done. Thanks for hanging in there during this long post!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Simplifying our lives

I put this as the title of our blog, because that is what I feel that we are doing over here. In the US, we spent nonstop hours on our cell phones, going out to eat, working ourselves to the core, and constantly on the go... that I felt disjointed. Part of the problem was the stress of residency, but I definitely took advantage of all the luxuries and conveniences that the US has to offer. Here, there is no starbucks...am making my own coffee; no dishwasher....have to wash all dishes by hand; garbage only comes everyother week....so I have turned into a recycle maniac (they have a compost bin (for vegetables,fruit,etc) and a large dry recyclable bin for almost everything else); no Target/department stores (that i have discovered yet)...resorting to "common beauty products" (dove, cetaphil, etc); there are fewer eating establishments...am cooking at home; no cafeteria in the hospital...bringing my own lunch. It has definitely caused me to step back and reflect on how I was living my life and realizing that I really can do more with less. I have had a "reawakening" with regards to wanting to be even more "organic" and be more environmentally conscious. I have been doing a lot of reading on different topics such as household cleaning chemicals, and, even though I have made some of my own nontoxic cleaners in the past, I am definitely switching to all nontoxic! There was also this article on minimizing purchases and buying used items...some people went to the extreme on no new purchases (except toiletries/food) for one whole year...I am not quite that hardcore...but have bought items from a Craigs list-like thing on base for our house (coffee maker, alarm clocks, TV stand). I am also doing a lot more "greener/healthier/organic" cooking at home...I feel so much healthier and I have discovered that I love cooking! Don't get me wrong...I am sure I will dive right into somethings when I return back to the US for various trips (Caribou/starbucks/chipotle/chilis here I come!), but I am enjoying the "simple life" over here in England.
I have volunteered to become an assistant coach with the swim club on base. I am really excited and will have my first practice tonight! The swim club travels to Italy, Germany, and France for their swim meets...don't know how much I will be traveling yet, but at least the meets are on the weekends. And, I am joining a Master's swim program in our town that practices a few nights a week. My hope is to do some triathalons over here...but, I am afraid to ride my bike on these narrow roads with no shoulders (cars line up behind you as you are riding and pass when it is safe to do so...). I figure the first step is to get in the pool...baby steps.
Aaron has been golfing a lot over here...I think he played the last 7 days straight with at least 18 holes each day. He has met a lot of people and has even played in a few tournaments on base. We got a membership at the course, so he has definitely gotten his monies worth so far. I took a lesson a few weeks ago and have another one this next weekend. I am at least hitting the ball now...its amazing how much more enjoyable golf is when that happens. Aaron and I are going to play around one of these days...hopefully it will not be too busy!
Brittany arrives on the 11th. We are very excited to have her staying with us! We are all planning to take a trip the first week of October somewhere...don't know where yet. We found this website www.lastminute.com that you can get flight/hotel for super cheap if you wait until the "last minute" for travel. There are several discount airlines over here, but are going to try the "last minute" site for something spontaneous and cheap! We will keep you posted.
Well, I hope all is well back in the states. We miss you all!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Settling In...

Well, we are finally moved into our house. The movers came two weeks ago and we just got internet hooked up, so now I can resume blogging! We are quickly realizing that we have way too much stuff! Our house, despite being quite large by British standards with four bedrooms has no storage! We have two closets in the entire house, no storage in the bathrooms as all of the sinks are pedestal style, and our kitchen has only four cabinets. But, we are slowly finding a place for everything.
We have even managed to venture out in the surrounding area for some fun. Two weeks ago we went to Cambridge. It is a large University town approx. 25 colleges within the University system. There is a river cam running through the city and we took the opportunity to go punting on the river.

Punting involves cruising the river on a flat bottom boat while the punter pushes off with a pole. We were on a guided tour, but you can rent a boat and try it yourself. It was quite entertaining watching people try to navigate...and run into the side of the river or other boats. I think we will just stick with the guided tour.
Here is a pic of King's college.

The tour was 50 minutes long and we learned alot about Cambridge history. A definite stop when we have visitors...yes, you can drink while punting.Then, last weekend we went antiquing and to the horse races in a nearby town. There is quite a bit to do just in the neighboring towns. We are going to London this Sunday on the "tube" (train) to explore. Hopefully visiting some of the castles and Piccadiliy Circus.
I officially started work/seeing patients last week. I absolutely love it! A refreshing change after residency...I actually enjoy going to work! The 48th fighter wing (RAF lakenheath) where I am stationed is the largest F-15 base outside of the U.S. and is considered fully operational. Being such, I have been assigned to a deployment cycle, with deployment likely next March - August. But, just because my group deploys does not mean I will. Currently, the only Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons going to Iraq are from 5 different bases in the US. However, I may be deployed for a humanitarian mission to Africa. We will see though.
It is definitely more laid back here...anything would be after residency. We get out at 3:30 MWF for mandatory fitness, which is nice. I am on call every other week with one week of the month being Trauma. I managed to go the first week (non-trauma) with no calls! Brad Turner, the other surgeon, is extremely nice and a pleasure to work with. He is a Lieutenant Colonel and its nice to work with someone with experience. I will be doing all of the cosmetic cases because he does not have an interest in them and we will split the surgeries for patients with braces (orthognathic surgery).
Aaron is trying to find a job...wanting something part time to give us time to travel. My sister Brittany is arriving mid-September so they will both be able to job-hunt together!
I do not want to post our phone number on line, so I will email it. We got a very nice calling plan with unlimited minutes to the U.S (as long as the calls are less than 60 minutes, which you just hang up and call back). So, please call us (remember we are 6 hours ahead) when you are available and we will hang up and then call you right back.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

One more week...

Well, we finally found a house to rent. We were trying to decide between this cute 200 year old cottage in an ultra small village (<500 people) or a "newer" home in a larger village (8000 people). After much back and forth....we decide on the "newer" home. It is within walkin distance of the local market, resturaunts and pubs; more spacious (the cottage had one shower that was so small Aaron could not turn around in it); near more Americans (we were told the neighbors near the cottage were not the friendliest)...Here is a picture of our new home.

We move in on friday and are anxious to finally get settled...two months of living out of suitcases is getting old.
Our landlord is an older lady who has taken great care of the house and she has planted all of these shrubs in the backyard...Looks like a nice English garden.
Once we get moved in and get our computer hooked up, we can keep in touch with everyone. Right now, we have to go a few blocks away to the library to check our emails.
The house has four bedrooms....plenty of room for visitors!! Hope all is well back in the states.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

We have arrived!!

Well, we made it safely to England without too much problem. The woman I am replacing picked us up at the airport and gave us the grand tour of the base. It is rather nice. We checked into lodging and wanted to go to sleep, but my commander and his wife stopped by after work (Aaron had been awake for 36 hours at that point...I was fortunate enough to have slept on the plane). They have given us the red carpet welcome...my commander also had Aaron and I over for dinner the next night. It has been a wirlwind past couple of days...we both passed our drivers test, will try to find a house to rent this weekend, and are learning how much England is a foreign country...the English language is the only thing we share! the English slang is quite different. For example....a "faggot" is a meatball sandwich. Kind of a shock when we get asked if we like juicy faggots! The surgeon I will be working with, Brad, is really nice. We sat down with him for a while this afternoon and he has volunteered to take us around to different villages this weekend. It will definitely be more alaid back than residency!!

Well, for now, email is the best way to contact us. When we get a home and a cell phone (hopefully tomorrow), we will forward the number to anyone interested.

Thanks for all of the emails!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Living out of suitcases

Well, after a whirlwind weekend, we have moved back into base housing...week three of living out of suitcases. We had such a good time last weekend. My parents, two of my sisters (hilary and brittany), Mother-in-law, cousin Rachel, and friend Maria, flew in to celebrate my graduation. We all stayed at the Embassy Suites and ate and drank way too much!!
Here is a picture of me and the other two chiefs (brendan and george) in our Service Dress (Class A) Uniform at graduation.

Here is a picture of the gang at graduation

Aaron and I are excited that this chapter of our lives is completed and look forward to spending more time together! We look forward to seeing y'all. Both of our parents are planning going away parties on the 7th and 21st of July, so let us know if you are available.
Well, my 20 minutes are up on this computer in the hotel lobby. We will be flying home on the 1st and look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Graduation Dinner

Last night was the graduation dinner at Paesanos. It was a bittersweet dinner since it marks my transition from resident to oral surgeon.
Here is a picture of me with George and Brendan at Paesanos

We tried to get a group photo, but multiple people were taking a picture at once so it was hard to get one with everyone looking at the camera.
After the dinner we went to a bar...where I had a few too many martinis. Here is a photo of some of the women I became friends with during our four years in San Antonio. Shannon (on the far right) was in the residency with me and the others are wives of residents.

The official graduation is on Thursday at 5pm...and, because I happen to be the last graduate to walk across the stage, I have to salute the General! But, it will be a fun celebration and will be nice to see most of my family, Peggy, my cousin Rachel, and our friend Maria.

Well, we are moving onto base housing tonight and I have a ton of stuff to organize before the movers come for our final stuff tomorrow morning. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks.

Monday, June 4, 2007

I am the luckiest woman alive!

Last weekend Aaron and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Here is what I came home to after work on friday....

I could not have asked for a more supportive husband for the past 5 years. He has kept me grounded during my residency and really has shown me what is important in life; He is driven by life's simple things rather than money; Always knows how to make me laugh; I look forward to him being a father...something I know he will be incredible at; I could never repay him for all that he has given up to support my career in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Here is us last weekend at The Melting Pot (a fondue resturaunt)--we celebrated our anniversary a few days early since I was on call during our actual one..

Well, they are here moving our household belongings to England today. I will post some pictures of the insanity soon.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I am so bored!

I am really think I function better with stress. I am currently on a one month rotation where there is no call, no weekends, 8-4 schedule and I am getting absolutely NOTHING done! And, I am currently really bored since Aaron is up in MN for the past 10 days. I planned on using this month to study for my mock oral boards...Rather, I am watching Soap operas and way too much TV. One good thing...I am back to running! I am going to sign up for a few races in MN when we fly home. Anyone interested?
The movers came this morning for our "pre-move assessment" It is getting so close! Only 4 more weeks until I graduate!!
Well, I sat down with a bunch of things to write and now I can not remember them....

Saturday, May 12, 2007

This should be easier

Well, after much frustration of trying to post photos to the Mac web page, I have decided to switch to blogger. In addition, in order to update our Mac page, I had to do so via our computer, which will be problematic when we are without it for two months when they pack it.
Only 6 more weeks until I graduate!!!! I am so excited to resume a somewhat normal life...although I think I forgot what that is. I will be nice to finally be a wife to my husband since I have been absentee for the past four years of my residency. I am already making a list of what I want to do: start a book club, get involved in church, run more half marathons, have some kids, etc...Oh, I guess I better add "Study for my board exams" on there.
We are getting very excited for our move to England. The hardest part has been finding a new home for our "baby", Aspen. We got her the year we got married and we struggled with what to do with her. She does not do well on car rides...let alone a 10 hour flight...and then we would have to board her everytime we traveled in Europe/UK/USA...So, we gave her to the daughter of one of my staff. Even though I miss her terribly, I know she is in a good home. Here is a photo of Aaron, Aspen, and I with her new owner.

We have booked our movers. They are doing the first part of our packing/moving on Jun 4th (a majority of our household goods). This will be shipped via boat and will take approximately two months to arrive in England. The second shipment will consist of more essential items and will be packed on Jun 18th. This will be shipped via plane and will arrive in 1 month. We will be moving onto base Jun 18th until we fly to MN on 1 July. Then we fly to England a few weeks later....then the Fun begins.
And, some more news...my sister Brittany will be moving to England with us! She will not arrive until the end of Aug. Hopefully we will have a house by then. It will be nice having more family over there.