I was tagged by a friend of mine to post a list of 100 things about me. Taunya, you are now tagged :)
We leave tomorrow for France/Italy, so check back next weekend for pics and a blog update.
Until then, enjoy....
1. I met my husband at a bar in college.
2. We have been married for over 5 years
3. I never graduated from college, but have a graduate degree. I was accepted via an early admission program to the University of MN School of Dentistry.
4. I love being blonde.
5. I have never had the same hair style for more than 4-6 months.
6. My favorite outfit: banana republic t-shirt, jeans, flip flops
7. My adventure goal: Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
8. I am a huge nerd: I love studying and learning. Maybe why I went to school for an additional 12 years after high school.
9. I am a product junky. I have many partially used bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner. I get impatient to use them before the current one is empty.
10. I love antiques. Lots of antique stores and auctions in England.
11. I love making lists! Which is maybe why I am trying to create 100 things about me.
12. I moved over 10 times while I was in college and in dental school.
13. I love looking at pictures.
14. I love looking at Christmas card pictures and decorating the fridge.
15. I am a terrible singer.
16. But, that does not stop me from singing in the car (when I am by myself)
17. I get a massage at least once a month.
18. I love the spa…facials, body wraps, pedis, manis…you name it.
19. I do not keep in touch with anyone from High school. My longest friends are Nicole and Dawn (met my first year in college and we swam together)
20. I used to stop at starbucks 5-6 times a week.
21. My favorite drink: Cinnamon Dolce Latte (non-fat, sugar free)
22. I have a huge sweet tooth!
23. I love cooking and baking. A new hobby of mine since finishing residency.
24. I am addicted to people.com-gotta get my celebrity gossip!
25. The next AF base I want to be stationed at: Japan
26. I was asked out on a date by one of the Baldwin brothers
27. I turned him down because I was dating Aaron
28. I pray regularly before going to bed
29. I am a morning person.
30. I love wine. Thank you Rachel for the tours in Napa and Sonoma.
31. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
32. I hate valentines day.
33. I love decorating.
34. I have only read one non-medical book in the past 9 years. But, have recently joined a book club to change that.
35. I am afraid of heights.
36. I want to get married again….to the same guy, but I just loved our wedding.
37. I love weddings in general.
38. I love watching college football.
39. Which is probably why fall is my favorite season.
40. But, we do not get much college football over here in England.
41. I try to be as environmentally conscious as I can.
42. I buy as much organic foods as I can (our base grocery store has a fairly limited supply).
43. I make a lot of my own cleaning chemicals.
44. I quit drinking caffeine cold turkey last week.
45. Aside from a killer headache the first day….doing okay
46. I can not go anywhere without my Nalgene water bottle. I fill it up 2-3 times a day.
47. I perform major operations (in residency even did an open heart bypass) and have not problem tolerating the site of blood. But, as soon as I smell/see vomit or crap….dry heaving.
48. I should be studying for my boards right now…..
49. I enjoy working out.
50. I swim or run 4-5 times a week.
51. Aaron has some competition….this cute little 7 year old on the swim club I coach said “ Coach Courtney, I wish I was older so I could be your boyfriend” My reply…”I think you would be too cool for me”
52. How come the first person to hit on me in what seems like ages is a 7 year old in a speedo?
53. I think residency aged me too much!!!
54. I love exploring the English country side. All of the local villages are so quaint!
55. I am enjoying our “simple” living over here despite missing a lot of the conveniences of home.
56. I am only on #56 and running out of things to say….see I told you I was boring
57. I consider myself a fairly religious person. We go to mass at least 2 times a month and are trying to get better about that.
58. I consider myself a loyal friend. Anything told to me confidentially stays that way.
59. i love playing trivia. But, my husband hates board games, so have not played it in a long time!
60. Favorite household chore: laundry
61. Least favorite: window washing
62. The house we are renting has some real wood floors. I love wood floors—the real kind; not the pergo, fake kind.
63. I wish I could buy an older house with all of the character (and wood floors)
64. But, Aaron and I have no clue about home repair so, if something went wrong…..
65. We decided to eventually build a new house, but spend way to much money to make it look old
66. But, seeing that I have anywhere from 4-15 years left in the military, that may be a while.
67. I love subscribing to or purchasing magazines. Favorites: Southern Living, Real Simple, Organic Living, People, US weekly, Runners world
68. I love what I do for a job! Although I am not quite ready to say the last four years of insanity (AKA residency) was worth it, but getting there.
69. I miss our dog, Aspen. But, thankfully she is doing well with her new family!
70. Aaron and I collect travel books. Every place we visit, we buy a book on the location.
71. I love my husband’s laugh.
72. And, how he can be watching TV all by himself and start laughing so hard that he can hardly breathe.
73. Love ya, Babe!
74. I love to decorate
75. Especially for the holidays!
76. I love to have my toe nails painted. Can’t stand the look of naked toe nails.
77. I hate wearing shorts.
78. I love wearing skirts and jeans.
79. I grew up wishing that I was tan.
80. But, now I enjoy being a “whittie”
81. I use a facial moisturizer with 15 SPF every day!
82. I look forward to being a mom.
83. I hope I can be as good of one as my mom was to me.
84. I wish I could raise my kids in a time similar to when I grew up or my parents grew up.
85. It scares me to think about the world our kids will grow up in.
86. My parents never missed a sporting/school event that we were involved in.
87. It kills my mother to keep secrets ☺ (okay, that one is not about me)
88. Favorite snack: Celery and peanut butter
89. Favorite indulgence: Truffles from a little candy store in a nearby village
90. I think it is fun driving on the “wrong” side of the road….and, am finally used to it.
91. Dream car: BMW 700 series
92. I am terrible at reading maps, which is why I usually drive and Aaron navigates….we make a great pair.
93. I am addicted to reading peoples blogs.
94. Y’all need to start one…Really easy. Go to www.blogspot.com.
95. I am blessed with awesome friends that I wish I could see more ☺
96. I have the best in-laws in the world.
97. I am super close to my family and talk with them a few times a week.
98. Even though technology is great, I still have a paper planner and address book
99. I can not study from textbooks on-line. I have to highlight in my books.
100. Yeah!!!! I made it to 100!!!! (hopefully I did not repeat any or misspell any words)