I bet you thought I had dropped off the face of the earth!! But, we are FINALLY in our house (as of 09 Sept 10) and have been unpacking like crazy while entertaining many guests (we have only had one weekend without guests since we moved in!!). Let me tell you how nice it is to finally have our own bed, more room for elsa to roam, all of my kitchen gear (it is nearly impossible to cook when you have less than the bare essentials in temporary living)....my mindset is much more calm...centered. But, I have a lot of catching up to do with this blog!!
June 2010--14 days Spanish/Italian/French Med cruise with the Sattlers.
We had so much fun!! It was so nice to cruise with another family as Linnea and Elsa entertained themselves (who knew playing peek-a-boo in the curtains and going between rooms via the balconies could be so entertaining) and allowed each of us couples to have a couple of date nights. The only down side was practically running out of diapers (Elsa had three teeth coming in and had the worst diarrhea/diaper rash...poor thing)...but we survived.
Here are some pics from the cruise. We stopped at Cadiz (Spain), Alleghero (Italy), Rome, Florence, Cannes, Gilbralter (UK commonwealth in Spain), Barcelona.
First day of the cruise!! Enjoying our welcome Champagne!!

Enjoying the Spanish port of Cadiz.
In Barcelona, we went to Monsterrat. It is a beautiful benedictine Monk retreat located high on a cliff with amazing views!!

Elsa and daddy in Cannes....check out some of those yachts!!

On the beach in Cannes. Elsa's first swim in the ocean. At first, she didn't know quite what to think of the waves, but her and Linnea had fun.
In Florence, we did a tour of a local vineyard. It included a carriage ride through the property.

Since we had already been to Rome, we did a tour to Lake Bracchiano. This is the castle where Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes were married in. Beautiful area. Apparently this lake is over 400 feet deep.

Relaxing on the balcony after a day of touring the Italian countryside. We stopped at a vineyard and they had these huge barrels of Italian Red that you could fill up any bottle for $3.00. So, our 1.5 L water bottle became a wine bottle.
Elsa loved the sunshine!! Something we rarely saw in England.

She kept trying to put her swimmers on as a hat. So, I put it over her head and she was so entertained!
Love waking up and having breakfast on the balcony. Fresh fruit every morning!!

We enjoyed a couple of date nights while the Sattlers watched Elsa. We dined at the specialty restaurants...an Italian and a steakhouse! Yummy!
Aaron and Jim went golfing in Spain while we went to the Rock of Gilbralter.

A baby nursing....

Elsa was intrigued by the apes!! There are over 90 apes that live on the rock of Gibraltar.

An ape trying to get into Jean's purse. I imagine them having a stock pile of cell phones, wallets, etc somewhere in their caves.

Last day on the cruise...boohoo. We are going to miss these guys!