Aaron and I attended Christmas eve service on base. It was really cute. They had the children's choir singing and we were impressed with how good they were! Then, this morning we woke up, unwrapped a few gifts and we are watching a classic Christmas cartoon marathon (Rudolph, little drummer boy, the grinch, frosty the snowman). I love the old-school cartoons! We also observed the Anderson family tradition of watching National Lampoon's Christmas vacation last night.
I am making a "thanksgiving" meal for Christmas. We made turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc when Hilary's family was here. But all the left overs mysteriously disappeared! We love you TOM! So, since Aaron did not get any left overs due to a certain person's midnight cravings....He wanted me to make it again for Christmas. I think we are having a few of our friends over as well.
We really wish we were home for Christmas, but will see most of you when we are home in about 4 weeks.
And, to the Nedved clan in SD...we are going to drive to Sioux Falls one of the days to see as many of you as we can. Let us know which dates work (Jan 28-Feb 2).
Now, I can not believe I am going to give Hillary Clinton any space on this blog, but in my Women's Health magazine, I came across this.....

Is that not the funniest nutcracker you have seen. It is only 24.95 from hillarynutcracker.com/completelynuts.html. In about 4-6 weeks we will be a proud owner! She is a real ball buster! I really hope she does not become president......