That's right...we are pregnant. I am currently 8 weeks along and due on Jun 7th. We saw a strong heart beat today and were told our chance of miscarriage is < 5%. I apologize to those of you who are finding out about this via the web. It is just really hard to tell everyone individually with the time difference and what not.
It has been a roller coaster of emotions for the past two weeks. Two weeks ago I had to call the OB on call due to severe cramping and spotting. He wanted to see me right away and had me stop in the lab for a blood draw on the way in. He was really concerned because my HCG levels were really high, but nothing but the yolk sac was showing up (looked similar to a 4 week pregnancy, but I was 6 weeks). Pretty much we were told that the baby did not have the genetic makeup to make it past the four weeks stage and that I was probably miscarrying. However, he wanted to see what my HCG level did in 48 hours. If I was miscarrying, it would go down; but, in a normal pregnancy, should double. So on Sunday I went in for the lab. And, it showed an increase. It did not double, so he wanted to see me in a week for another ultrasound prior to scheduling me for a D & C. Talk about a long week. Last friday I had another ultrasound, and, much to Aaron and I (and the Dr) surprise....a heart beat. He just said that I may not have as far along as we initially thought based on my last cycle. But, he was slightly concerned about a slightly lower heart rate (110 beats/minute) and wanted me to have another scan at what would have been my first OB appointment that next week. So, today I had another ultrasound and the heart rate was a healthy 160 beats/minute!! So, everything looks good. This pic is a bit squished, but it was the only pic I was given.
So, bye bye flat stomach!! I currently look as if I have been enjoying a diet of beer and pizza! And, aside from being dead tired, have been feeling great. Well, we will keep y'all posted. My parents are coming to visit from one week tomorrow and will post pics of their trip on our blog.